Sunday Night - Dirty Skirt Farm

The Power of the Sunday Night

You know me, I’m a pretty productive person.  I love a to-do list and the ecstasy of crossing something off of my list.  I love seeing a visual change in a project to know I’ve actually made progress.  I love starting new projects…and then starting another new project.  I appreciate ambition and feeling like I can take over the world.
And then the weekend comes.
As someone with a full-time job, a full-time partner, and 2 part-time kids, it can be exhausting to do all.the.things, all.the.time.  But I want to – I really do.  I rely on my weekends for most of my projects too, mostly because I spend my weekday evenings on social activities, with Andrew and the kids, and I have a standing Friday night reservation to be alone.
Andrew is usually motivated on Saturdays.  And when we’re on Andrew-time, we stop what we’re doing and roll with the motivation.  This is usually when we do the grocery shopping, go the hardware stores, and do maintenance around the homestead.
Sundays, though, are their own story.  Sometimes I can’t decide if I want to be totally productive on a Sunday or completely lazy.   Sometimes it’s both.  I, however, am more motivated on a Sunday.  I’m excited to think about the next week and everything I can do to be productive.
Sunday Night - Dirty Skirt Farm
And then Sunday night comes.  And, Sunday nights are magical.
Around 3pm on Sundays, I start making preparations for the next week.  I start thinking about my lunches, meal planning, and looking at our shared calendar.  I take a glance at my weather app to see what watering needs to be done.
And then I get to work.

These are my Sunday tasks:

— finish all the laundry
— clean out the litter box
— clean the kitchen ( + run the dishwasher
— put on a fresh tablecloth
— light a candle
— queue up my next podcasts and audiobooks for my Monday morning commute
— put fresh sheets on the bed
— make a meal plan
— make Monday’s lunch
— refill the chicken feed
— reset the living room
— prep any food for the week (cut veggies, brown hamburger meat, or start bread)
— take out the trash
— pick out all of my clothes for the week


By the time I collapse on Sunday nights, I feel so prepared for the week that I sleep like a baby.  I go to bed knowing that I’ve jumpstarted the week, am ready to go on Monday, and that little things are done to make the rest of the week a little more smooth.

I feel prepared.  I feel ready.

What do you do on Sunday nights to feel prepared for your week?

Do you plan your week or do you fly by the seat of your pants?



  1. Tani

    I love this idea. We have evening church on Sunday, but since I am a SAHM I’d love to implement this on another day of the week. Thanks for the inspiration!

    • dirtyskirt

      Hi Tani! Yes, I think it could work on any day of the week. I just love a fresh start on Monday. 🙂

  2. Kaylee

    Wow that’s awesome that you do all of that to prepare for the week! I currently check my calendar but I kinda to that constantly to make sure I’m not missing anything. But I strive to as ambitious as you are. My current schedule I work most of Sunday, so when I get home I just crash. But Saturday I do laundry, grocery shop and clean up the place.

    • dirtyskirt

      Hi Kaylee,

      So we’re kind of in the same boat! I feel so productive when I get a bunch of stuff done in one day.


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