Sad News - Dirty Skirt Farm

Sad News On the Homestead

Well, the worst has happened.  

I went outside to let the chickens out of their coop, and found devastation.  Either I didn’t close the coop correctly the night before or an animal was very determined.  

Regardless of what happened, I feel terrible.  And I feel like it’s my fault.


Sad News - Dirty Skirt Farm


We’re trying to figure out what to do next: do we get more chickens now or do we wait until spring?

There isn’t a right answer at this point because we’re still grieving.  We’re still cleaning up the backyard.  We’re cleaning out the coop to make it fresh and new and clean for the next round of animals.  We’re researching what predator could have done this so we are more prepared for next time.

I want to make sure that the next set of chickens don’t have to endure the same situation.  I want to make sure we are responsible pet owners.  I want to make sure that the animals on our homestead lead a good life.  

For now, we’re grieving.  And researching.  And when we’re ready, we’ll do better.  





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